People generally associate drug charges with overtly criminal activity. There are quite a few drugs that are completely prohibited under state law. Anyone involved in the manufacture or distribution of those drugs can face charges. Even possession or being under the...
Criminal Defense
Can someone get arrested for sleeping it off in a vehicle?
Drivers in Virginia are almost universally aware that it is illegal to get behind the wheel after drinking. Those who notice impairment at a party or bar could be at risk of a driving under the influence (DUI) arrest. The law even allows police officers to arrest...
Can a police officer search your vehicle if they pull you over?
Police officers help to stop criminal activity by patrolling and responding to calls for assistance. They also investigate alleged criminal activity so that prosecutors can charge someone with a crime. The evidence they gather will often form the foundation of the...
3 ways that the police can enter your home
It’s important for civilians to remember that police officers cannot always enter their homes. Yes, being a police officer does place them in a position of authority. But that does not mean that you have to simply give them access to your house whenever they want. In...
Should you take a Breathalyzer if you get pulled over by the police?
Nobody wants to get pulled over by the police on their way home, and that’s especially true when you’re coming home from a restaurant or a bar where you’ve had a few drinks. One thing is for certain: If the officer thinks that you’re impaired, it won’t take you long...
Can you get arrested for walking home drunk from a bar or party?
You know perfectly well that it is not legal to get behind the wheel of a car when you have had too much to drink. Drunk driving is dangerous because it could lead to a crash or to an arrest. Criminal charges related to drunk driving could also hurt your career, your...
What NOT to do if you’re pulled over by the police
Most people know someone who has been pulled over the police, even if they haven’t been themselves. The police might pull you over for speeding, appearing to drive recklessly or for issues with your vehicle, like having a blown tire or lights out. If you are stopped...
Drug charges may result in losing your student financial aid
Many students rely on the student loans that they receive to attend college; otherwise, they wouldn't be able to. Most students wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize their ability to remain enrolled in school or receive aid, but a drug charge might do just that....